Wednesday 23 November 2011

How to Lose Weight Spending Just 20 Minutes a Day?

Thanks to a big number of celebrities, we have been obsessed with an idea that the more intense the exercise is, the better the results of the fight against obesity will be. Still, do not rush to follow! It turns out that we do not need to do a lot of things to lose weight.

By the way, not all celebrities insist on the exercises for an hour or an hour and a half each day. For example, Jennifer Aniston says that she attends a 22-minute session of cardio-exercises every day. And the supermodel Helena Christensen says that 20 minutes of cardio-exercises is enough for her to keep fit.
The scientists confirm that a 20-minute cardio session is more effective than a 40-minute session of exercises at a slower pace.
The point is that the 20-minute exercise should be fairly intensive, with sweating and rapid breathing (running, cycling, etc.). In this case, we can speak about their better efficiency if compared with a 40-45-minute session of yoga, strength training equipment, or dance and aerobics.
However, it is necessary to warn against trying to immediately maintain an intensive tempo. One should increase the intensity gradually. Do not start with a sprint right away, since it is dangerous to health. One should not ignore the warming-up either.
So, it is ideal to have five 20-minute sessions of exercises a week including cardio-load: running, walking, and cycling.

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