Wednesday 23 November 2011

Hairstyle Prevents Women from Weight Loss

The study conducted by the surgeon Regina Benjamin has shown that women ignore the gym if they have a nice hairstyle.

The doctor’s mother, a hairdresser by occupation, inspired the research. She says that many women refuse to train, fearing to spoil the hairdo. This is one of the most common excuses often invented by the women who try to justify themselves for extra weight.
The study was focused on the ladies of Afro-American descent, who find it more difficult to arrange their curly locks into a certain hairstyle. It turns out that these women happen to have one of the highest rates of overweight problems – a half of Afro-American women exceed the traditional weight norm.
The main advice here is to attend fitness classes in the evening if the hairstyle is so dear to you that it can make you miss a visit to the gym. In the morning, after waking up, you will anyway have to re-do your hair.

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